Calculate Brokerage & Hidden Charges
SBICAP Securities Brokerage Calculator is a tool to simplify your cost analysis. Whether you are trading in equities, commodities or derivatives, this calculator helps you to estimate brokerage, transaction charges and total costs. With a user-friendly interface and accurate calculations, it helps you to make informed decisions before you trade. Optimize your investments and be ahead in the market with SBICAP Securities’ transparent and reliable brokerage calculator.
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Profit & Loss | ₹ 00.00 |
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans. |
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Net Debit | ₹ 00.00 |
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans. |
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Net Credit | ₹ 00.00 |
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans. |
Brokerage Charges: These are charges imposed by the stockbroker when you execute the buy or sell orders.
Exchange Transaction Charges: These are the charges levied by the stock exchanges (like NSE and BSE) for executing trades.
DP Charges/Clearing Charges: DP charges are the charges levied by the depository in the form of CDSL or NSDL for holding and keeping securities in electronic form.
SEBI Charges: SEBI imposes regulatory charges on all buy and sell transactions to fund the regulatory and developmental activities in the Indian stock market.
Stamp Duty Charges: Stamp duty is a form of tax charged upon the legal acknowledgment of the documents, including securities trades.
Total Charges: This is the total of all fees and expenses listed above.
Profit & Loss: The P&L section of the SBICAP Securities brokerage calculator reveals the net gain or loss that a trader would incur in his trading after deducting all trading expenses from gross profit.
Broker | SBICAP Securities |
Brokerage Plan | Standard Plan |
Subscription Charges | Zero |
Equity Delivery | Rs. 20 per Order or 0.05% (whichever is lower) |
Equity Intraday | Rs. 20 per Order or 0.05% (whichever is lower) |
Equity Future | Rs. 20 per Order |
Equity Option | Rs. 20 per Order |
Commodity Future | Not Available |
Commodity Option | Not Available |
Currency Future | Not Available |
Currency Option | Not Available |
DP Charges | Rs. 13.5 per Scrip only on Sell |
SBICAP Securities Brokerage Calculator is a tool to simplify your cost analysis. Whether you are trading in equities, commodities, or derivatives, this calculator helps you to estimate brokerage, transaction charges, and total costs. With a user-friendly interface and accurate calculations, it helps you to make informed decisions before you trade. Optimize your investments and be ahead in the market with SBICAP Securities’ transparent and reliable brokerage calculator.