Reliance Securities

Reliance Securities Brokerage Calculator

Calculate Brokerage & Hidden Charges

Reliance Securities Brokerage Calculator is a simple tool to help you calculate brokerage and other charges for different trades. It covers multiple asset classes – equity delivery, intraday, futures, options, and currency. Just enter the trade details like transaction value, quantity, and segment, and you can calculate brokerage, GST, SEBI charges, stamp duty, and transaction charges.

Steps to Use Reliance Securities Brokerage Calculator:

Step 1. Choose the Type of Transaction:

Select the type of trade that you are making:

  • Equity Delivery (buying and holding stocks)

  • Equity Intraday (buying and selling stocks on the same day)

  • Futures & Options (for derivative trading)

  • Commodities

  • Currency Trading

Step 2. Select the type of exchange

  • NSE

  • BSE

Step 3. Enter the Trade Details:

  • Buy Price: The price at which you plan to buy the stock or security.

  • Sell Price: It is the target price at which you plan to sell your shares or securities (if applicable).

  • Quantity: The number of shares or securities you're buying or selling.

Step 4. Transaction Type (Buy or Sell):

  • Choose whether the transaction is a buy or a sell.

  • The calculator requires you to perform two separate calculations for buy and sell trades.

Step 5. Taxes and Other Charges:

The brokerage calculator will automatically include charges like:

  • Securities Transaction Tax (STT)

  • Exchange Transaction Charges

  • GST (Goods and Services Tax)

  • Stamp Duty

  • SEBI Turnover Fees

Any other applicable charges based on your location and the type of trade.

Step 6. Click Calculate:

  • Once you have filled in all your details, click the "Calculate" button to see the breakdown of all charges.

  • The calculator will display the total brokerage, taxes, and other charges.

  • You will also get to know your net profit or loss after deducting all these costs.

Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Profit & Loss ₹ 00.00
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans.
Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Net Debit ₹ 00.00
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans.
Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Net Credit ₹ 00.00
Note: Charges may vary due to changes in taxes and brokerage plans.

Explanation of Charges

Brokerage Charges: These are charges that the stockbroker levies when you execute the buy and sell orders. The charge can be a percentage of the value of the trade or a flat fee per order.

Exchange Transaction Charges: These are the charges levied by the stock exchanges (like NSE and BSE) for executing trades. These are typically a percent of the overall turnover (buy + sell value), which varies slightly in each exchange and also between the asset classes.

DP Charges/Clearing Charges: DP charges are the charges levied by the depository in the form of CDSL or NSDL for holding and keeping securities in electronic form for you.

SEBI Charges: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) imposes regulatory charges on all buy and sell transactions to fund the regulatory and developmental activities in the Indian stock market.

Stamp Duty Charges: Stamp duty is a form of tax charged upon the legal acknowledgment of documents, including securities trades.

Total Charges: This is the total of all fees and expenses listed above. It, therefore, represents the cumulative amount paid to complete one trade or otherwise deducted from your account when carrying out the trade.

Profit & Loss: The P&L section of the Reliance Securities brokerage calculator reveals the net gain or loss that a trader would incur after deducting all trading expenses from gross profit.

Brokerage Charges of Reliance Securities


Reliance Securities

Brokerage Plan

Standard Plan

Subscription Charges


Equity Delivery

Rs. 20 per Order or 0.05% (whichever is lower)

Equity Intraday

Rs. 20 per Order or 0.05% (whichever is lower)

Equity Future

Rs. 20 per Order

Equity Option

Rs. 20 per Order

Commodity Future

Not Available

Commodity Option

Not Available

Currency Future

Not Available

Currency Option

Not Available

DP Charges

Rs. 13.5 per Scrip only on Sell

This will help you make informed decisions, manage costs, and maximise profits. Whether you are a seasoned trader or a beginner, the Reliance Securities Brokerage Calculator makes financial planning easy, and accurate.